THE NEW LIFE CLINIC    5800 Cottonworth Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21209    (410) 323-0499

New Life Clinic Healing Service

The Mount Washington United Methodist Church has been home to the New Life Clinic for over forty years. Situated near a stream, it retains a pastoral aura in the middle of an urban neighborhood. The very walls of the church sanctuary seem to have absorbed the healing energy generated by the thousands of prayers for healing that have been uttered there. Many who visit to pray or meditate comment on the atmosphere of peace and serenity found there. It has the feel of a place where one can find healing and comfort.

The healing service is a time of worship and prayer that is simple yet profound. It is changeless in its design and order, beginning with the recitation of the Collect used in the Protestant Episcopal service of Holy Communion. This is followed by the singing of a hymn, the reading of scripture, and a short homily delivered by a member of the healing team.

A time of prayer over the names that have been placed in the New Life Clinic prayer book follows. Then all are invited to come forward, one by one, for the laying on of hands and a personal prayer for healing. Always, children are invited to be first.

The service is concluded with a prayer of Benediction. One used by Rev. Robert Gill, a past member of the healing team, nicely summarizes the purpose of the New Life Clinic: "We have experienced the healing presence of God among us this morning. We have been blessed with iin experience of peace and joy. As we have received and prepare to go about the activities of our day, we must remember to share with those we meet, for it is by the sharing of our peace and joy that we are able to keep it alive within ourselves. Amen."